First Video from Gorkha School

IN YOUR HANDS CHARITY was started after the devastating earthquake in Nepal in 2015.

We have focussed on building and repairing schools as the children are at their most vulnerable when they are not in school. Working in partnership with our good friends from The Mandala Organisation we have built two schools and have three more on the way.

We will focus on making each community better in terms of education and health for years to come. We do not want to just build a school and go away. Each school we build is linked with a British school which will have raised money in all kinds of ways to help their friends in Nepal have a better life. Their bond will be forged with regular contact through videos and projects they will share with each other through cyber space. This is the first video of hopefully many more that will be shared.

Huge thanks to Shanta fromThe Madala Organisation for organising this video to get us all started on our cyber journey !

To follow our project, donate or become part of our growing team please visit the rest of this website and contact us with any thoughts or ideas.

We are always on the look out for volunteer teachers!

Here is the link to the video:


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